Sunday, November 15, 2009

EDUC 6713 GAME Plan

During this progress of this course, it is my desire to improve upon my students creativity in the physics curriculum. Too often within a given physics course, everything is cut and dry with facts and concepts that were already studied upon in the previous centuries of scientific exploration. Many laboratory assignments are only designed for students to simply repeat these explorations conducted by previous researchers and scholars of yesteryears.

My goal is to create a final project where students discuss the efficacy of alternative energy forms over the United States' high use of fossil fuels. Conducting their research in small groups they must choose an energy form that interests them and find out if it would be feasible (economically, socially, environmentally) for the US to switch to high use of that energy form or source. The analysis and research is highly open-ended and the students are allowed to use creativity in this approach. This concept addresses ISTE standard number one. After compiling their research students will use a wiki website to organize their information and debate within their own group dynamics whether or not their energy source is a viable solution to the US's energy problem. By using this tool and working in their small groups in this manner, the students will be learning new valuable skills that are heavily prevalent in the 21st Century workplace where it is quite common that decent project management skills are required. This tool and activity highly addresses the second ISTE standard. I will monitor the students progress in the month long project as an administrator on their wiki site and will develop a rubric that the students will be familiar about before starting the project. At the conclusion of the activity I will let the students evaluate its delivery on my part via an online survey so I can make future improvements for oncoming years.


  1. Steve, this will be a powerful activity for your students and quite relevant to the problems and issues we face today. Finding alternative energy sources is quite relevant to our society's concerns. Once the students have decided what alternative form of energy they will analyze and research, will they come together with those of the same view in the form of partners or groups or will the initial research be independent? Your idea of having students collaborating and debating their views with a wiki is a relevant skill that will prepare them for their potential working environment. The game plan you have created sounds extremely interesting and exciting for you and your students.

  2. Melodi, thanks for the feedback. It's always beneficial for your students whenever you can relate the material back to their lives in some manner. The future energy crisis? Certainly they should be able to grasp that fairly easily.
