Sunday, February 28, 2010

EDUC 6714 Final Reflection

From sharing the resources together with my cohort members on the NING social community, I have gained a wealth of knowledge to be used in my classroom. Sharing everyones ideas while using podcasts and voicethreads, it is easily shown that these methods communication can be completed with my own students. Probably the most important resources I picked up from my group were the plethora of online inventories that I could use with my own students to learn their strengths, weaknesses and personality traits that I can cater their education around.

Using these inventories will likely be an immediate adjustment that I will use in my own classroom. I will also likely utilize the online homework system for my students from the University of Texas-Austin for immediate feedback for my students' math assignment. Lastly the PhET simulation software from the University of Colorado-Boulder will greatly supplement any of the major concepts I teach in physics that cannot be seen by neither the naked or magnified human eye.

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