Friday, December 25, 2009

EDUC 6713 Final Reflection

In this course, I have greatly learned some valuable perspectives into the education industry. This course has allowed me to push my own limits of my practice. Using Technology in the right manner that it was conceptualized, I am allowed to make sure that my instruction adequately meets the needs of all my students (from the general median to the exceptional student included within my classroom).

The progress has also allowed myself to make sure that I challenge and push students in different unique methods. Using the Problem-Based Learning approach, students are tied into the content of my curriculum by using real-world problems that the students can relate with in some manner. This approach also provides the student with a creative approach to guide their own learning and method to solving the problem that they are introduced to in-class. Ultimately this places further responsibility upon the student for their learning outcome rather than the teacher them self. This responsibility feeds the student to have a greater sense of how to use the technology tools in an educational role with an ethical manner. No longer would they perceive the tools as a method to flirt with their friends, but an avenue to accomplish great projects.

Lastly when the students are tied into the materials in this manner, they are appropriately meeting the standards put forth by the International Society of Technology Education for quality learning experiences. In my future, I will reflect on these standards and my experiences with this course and the GAME plan I developed and make sure that I am consistently improving my pedagogy for the benefit of my students.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

GAME Plan in reference to NETS

The GAME plan for this course adequately allows our students to meet the technology standards as required by the International Society for Technology in Education. The project allows them plenty of freedom to lead their own learning in the problem based format of instruction. Such an idea fosters creativity among the class to determine the appropriate method to completing the project. Students also communicate via a 21st century industrial method in terms of a social online wiki. In compiling information on their wiki, they gain the background knowledge of their project by completing extensive research. By utilizing their research, they will determine the answers to the main questions of their project using critical thinking skills. The students will also create an ethical technology laden news episode which portrays their scientific findings to their peers. All of these ideas adequately meet the NETS-S standard which may be found here:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Revising my GAME Plan

In this course I have learned how to differentiate my instructional methods to most effectively educate my students. In my classes a goal is to start incorporating various technology resources to further accomplish this task. In the NETS-T, I plan on tackling this issue by learning and modeling its use in the classroom before instructing the students on its usage. One technology resource I intend on using in the classroom in this manner is by podcasting. The students could verbally communicate on projects via this tool as they collaborate together on their various projects and I'm excited to see them being implemented with their activities.