Saturday, December 12, 2009

Revising my GAME Plan

In this course I have learned how to differentiate my instructional methods to most effectively educate my students. In my classes a goal is to start incorporating various technology resources to further accomplish this task. In the NETS-T, I plan on tackling this issue by learning and modeling its use in the classroom before instructing the students on its usage. One technology resource I intend on using in the classroom in this manner is by podcasting. The students could verbally communicate on projects via this tool as they collaborate together on their various projects and I'm excited to see them being implemented with their activities.


  1. Steve,
    I'm really interested in podcasting as well, but haven't done any of it yet. It seems a little intimidating, but I think it's just because I need to try it. I imagine there could be so many different uses and it really addresses different learning styles. I'd like to hear how it goes!

  2. Steve-

    I have not had a whole lot of experience with podcasting, just what has been required through this program. Can you post a podcast to your blog? That would be a way to try it out for yourself and get the hang of it before presenting it to your students. Podcasting seems like a great way to have students present information and for the teacher to be able to go back and grade or share with others the final project.


  3. Stephen, I have a couple of teachers that are using podcast with their students and while it’s strictly for in-house use the kids are loving it. I know it’s not hard to believe with today’s students but they like to talk. Podcast and in particular vidcast allow the students to express what they have learned in a format that uses their powerful creative skill and their ever powerful voice that all seem to have. When designed carefully and with written, o know we get them to write, documentation to support their podcast you get a well rounded presentation that meets all of your standard instructional requirements.

  4. Podcasting is useful in the sense that I can instruct my students on problem solving activities from a remote location. No other technology allows that to really happen and its a great tool.
