Saturday, December 19, 2009

GAME Plan in reference to NETS

The GAME plan for this course adequately allows our students to meet the technology standards as required by the International Society for Technology in Education. The project allows them plenty of freedom to lead their own learning in the problem based format of instruction. Such an idea fosters creativity among the class to determine the appropriate method to completing the project. Students also communicate via a 21st century industrial method in terms of a social online wiki. In compiling information on their wiki, they gain the background knowledge of their project by completing extensive research. By utilizing their research, they will determine the answers to the main questions of their project using critical thinking skills. The students will also create an ethical technology laden news episode which portrays their scientific findings to their peers. All of these ideas adequately meet the NETS-S standard which may be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Steve,
    I think, as teachers, we often forget that it our only job isn't to teach students skills and help them pass standardized tests. We also need to teach them to be life-long learners. I think you are correct that the process of the GAME plan "fosters creativity among the class" and helps them determine the best way to complete a project. Talk about real-world applications.
